Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Week 1: Storybook Favorites

The first storybook that caught my eye was Lions of Aesop's Fables. Lions have always been my favorite non-domestic animal. I actually did my fourth grade research project over lions-impressive, I know.
I felt like the introduction was nicely put together. I loved the picture of the lion cub at the top of the page. Also, I felt like the author did a good job by leaving the end of the introduction as sort of a cliffhanger; that definitely sparked my interest in reading the other stories.
As far as design goes, I thought the website was very well put together, and easy to navigate; which is a huge plus for someone like me who is not the most tech savvy person. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the different lion pictures as well.

The second storybook that I was intrigued by was Happily Ever After? A Prince's Perspective. Much like any other girl, I loved Disney princess movies growing up...and still have a soft spot for them in my heart today. So I thought the idea of showing what happened after the "happily ever after" was a great idea, especially coming from the princes' perspectives!!
The introduction did prompt me to click through the other stories. I liked that there was a brief summary of what was going through the different princes' minds. The summaries did a nice job of setting the stage for the rest of the stories.
Much like the website for Lions of Aesop's Fables, I found it very easy to navigate in between the different stories on this website. I also thought the "author's note" was a nice feature to have on each story. Even though Disney princesses are well known throughout today's culture, one cannot always assume that everyone knows the story of Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty.

The next storybook that grabbed my attention was Nursery Rhymes Gone Wrong. I really do love it when people take well-known concepts, such as nursery rhymes, and put a new spin on things! I find these new spins even more interesting when they go against the norm. Since everyone expects nursery rhymes to be all rainbows and butterflies, it is slightly refreshing when someone stirs up the pot and makes the conflict go unresolved.
I thought the introduction was very creative. I liked that a character from one nursery rhyme was connected to characters of the other nursery rhymes. The introduction did a nice job of setting the stage, and providing just enough information about each nursery rhyme to make the reader continue reading.
The design of the website was easy to navigate, just like the other two websites I visited. I really liked the "Wrap Up" link. I thought it was a nice touch to provide some closure for the readers; because even though I liked the chaos, it was nice to know that all the "rhymies" will be okay.

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